Wednesday, August 13, 2014

August 2014 Update: X-14 Productions partners with Billionaire Eventually Media Group

Hello everyone,

X-14 Productions has recently partnered with Billionaire Eventually Media Group, who is partnered with Blue Pie Productions. The goal of this venture is to create and distribute Production Tracks tailored towards Commercials, Radio, and Television Shows.

This venture is by no means meant to encompass compositions created for particular projects, such as a films or games. For instance, X-14 will still compose music for a film and game, which requires accurate sync points, elements and emotions.

Production Tracks are pre-created tracks, which encompass particular moods. A great example would be a collection of pre-composed songs in what I would call a "Horror Catalog" or even an "Adventure Catalog". The goal is to have a grandiose collection of Production Tracks while still composing for specific projects.

If you need pre-composed Production Tracks, you will need to contact Billionaire Eventually Media Group. If you need customizable compositions tailored to a specific project, you will need to contact X-14 Productions.

Rates on the X-14 Production website apply only to customizable compositions. If you have any questions, please email me.

Billionaire Eventually Media Group -


Alexander C. Torri