Thursday, September 10, 2015

X-14 Update - September 2015

Hey everyone!

You want to know what's awesome? X-14 is expanding! There are plans in the works to create and open more business! The addition, which is still in heavy planning phase is X-14 Records.

X-14 Records will be the powerhouse Record Label! This means that Musicians and DJs will be brought under the wings of X-14! Artist Relations and Developement will be the primary focus. Our focal task will be to build your brand and get you exposure!

X-14 Records will also supply DJs with jobs and shows. You won't need to worry about making sure you get paid! X-14 will get you the money upfront and guarantee you a solid spot!

X-14 Productions will still be the main powerhouse, but with these additions, more opportunities can be offered! It's looking like a bright future is ahead for X-14! Stay tuned for more updates!

There is new music on SoundCloud! Go check it out @

Do you want to receive these types of updates and even free music downloads through email? Go to to subscribe!


Alexander C. Torri

Sunday, July 12, 2015

New Composition! Introducing 'Embattled Knight'

Hi everyone!

After a long wait, I am happy to introduce my new composition! It is called 'Embattled Knight'! Please enjoy!

Listen here!

If you want to know the story behind the composition, go to and subscribe!


Alexander C. Torri

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Universal Truth - Epic Hybrid Orchestral Music - X-14 Productions

Music Composed/Mixed/Mastered by: Alexander C. Torri (X-14 Productions)

Intro Reel and Logo Design by: X-14 Productions

Pictures by: Carl Robinson

Universal Truth:

All humans know of two things with certainty. There is life and there is death. Beyond that, we have theories and assumptions. We truly do not understand our own reality. Our discoveries and advancements help us to understand the universe around us.

Through procreation, we are able to continue our search for answers. Our knowledge is a combination of experiences and answers that were gathered throughout multiple generations. As humans, we go through; wars and peace, love and hate, creation and destruction. But still we all live to find knowledge.

This is our path

This is our Universal Truth

Thursday, May 28, 2015

X-14 Productions Subscription - Receive Updates and Freebies!

X-14 Productions is now offering a subscription service. Go to to subscribe. You will get a FREE download of Universal Truth upon subscription. You will also receive updates and other freebies, via email, from X-14.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Film Score for Valediction - Composed/Engineered by Alexander Torri - Owner of X-14 Productions

Composer/Sound Engineer/Mastering Engineer - Alexander C. Torri

Film: Valediction

Valediction is a short film that was produced, directed, written, and acted in by alumni of Full Sail in 2013. The film takes you through the feelings of romance, loss, avoidence, and acceptance. Love, and the loss of it, is a complicated subject, and the alumni had an interesting way of presenting their ideologies. Hope you enjoy the score and hopefully the film too!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Individuals in the Entertainment Industry and Where You Can Find Them

Finding the right composer for a movie or game can be difficult, if someone does not know where to look. The same applies for a composer who is trying to find good movies and games, but the quality is negligible. In this case, quality is not the question, it is merely a luxury.

The main motivator, when looking for projects, should be to find an idea you can relate to. It only makes sense to contribute to someone else's idea when it fits your own. The various cultures created within the entertainment industry will make searches for like-minded companies pretty narrow. What if someone doesn't know an individual or company that has a similar viewpoint as they do? Would searching outside of the entertainment industry be necessary?

There are many new companies and aspiring individuals searching for people with similar viewpoints. The biggest problem is people are limiting themselves to looking only where most of the entertainment industry resides. There is also the issue of looking at every company and not finding a single one to fit your ideas. Where do you look then? Maybe searching in Austin, Texas comes to mind. It is fairly solidified in the entertainment industry, but not quite at the level as New York City, Hollywood, and Los Angeles are.

There are plenty of individuals outside of companies who wish to make their idea become a reality. The biggest issue with searching outside of the box though, is the search becomes wider and unfocused. Suddenly, the task of finding people becomes more challenging because people do not come with Mission Statements. It is easier to find a Mission Statement for a Major Corporation than to network and find like-minded people.

The other part of the problem is finding people with commitment and determination to succeed. When people work for a company, they are mostly motivated to work because they are guaranteed a paycheck. This is not always the case though. There is a high probability of an individual losing commitment to an idea when faced with a chance of not seeing a potential profit from investing time and effort into a project.

As a creator of a new business and seeking out like-minded individuals, I face a great challenge. As mentioned above, people are limiting themselves to looking only where most of the entertainment industry resides. My business, X-14 Productions LLC, is located in Austin, Texas, which has a huge potential but limited funds allocated towards entertainment production. At first, I was looking towards the major corporations for possible income, but then I remembered, Austin is growing. The entertainment industry here may still be considered young and unfocused, but it is alive and well.

It's time for people to look in other places than just New York City, Hollywood, and Los Angeles. It's time to look in Austin!

Monday, March 23, 2015

March Update for X-14 Productions LLC

March 20, 2015

This year has been explosive in possibilities for X-14! With EDM and Metal finally taking the helm alongside Orchestral works in X-14, there is no stopping. X-14 Productions will be focusing on furthering a niche while producing bands and artists within the wide expanse of both genres. With each project X-14 tackles, it becomes more experienced and competitive! Stay tuned for more to come!

Friday, February 27, 2015

X-14 Productions Business Plan for 2015 and Proposal

Hello everyone,

I encourage everyone to view the X-14 Productions Business Plan for 2015 and Proposal, which will help explain the company pricing, goals, and visions. A proposal is also included in the PDF, which is available to download. Please help spread the word about X-14 by printing the PDF and handing it to the individual you presume would be best suited to help out if you are unable to.

Business Plan for 2014 and Proposal



Alexander C. Torri - Owner/Producer/Composer @ X-14 Productions