'Let's Hear It For Sound' is a short article, which points out how sound has helped improve film quality and practices. At first, many were skeptical and disappointed with the combination of film and sound. Those individuals claimed that the motion picture, as an art form, was ruined by sound.
The improvements included; standardization of 24 frames per second recording speed, switching from Orthochromatic to Panchromatic film, and the development and use of processing machines. Also, as expected, the new innovation of sound in film helped strengthen the film industry, which was in trouble.
Prior to 24 frames per second becoming the standard, films were recorded at varying speeds. It was found to be difficult to synchronize sound to the varying projection speeds. The standard being set, sound in film became more possible.
Orthochromatic film required arc lighting, which was loud, in order to capture a good exposure. Panchromatic film required only incandescent lighting, which was quiet. Orthochromatic film practices made it virtually impossible to record sound, because of the loud arc lighting.
Processing machines were still new in development when optical sound was introduced to motion pictures. These machines were classified as unsafe and unreliable. Although, not to long after realizing the inefficiency of the widely accepted 'rack and pan' method of film and optical sound development, a direct focus on developing these processing machines was top priority.
In reality, sound has forced a 'comfortable' film industry to develop more efficient practices and methods in film development.
Alexander C. Torri
(1) Allen, B. (2012, July 25). Let's hear it for sound. Retrieved fromhttps://web.archive.org/web/20120725033141/http://www.amps.net/newsletters/issue15/15_lets_.htm
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